Business Process Management – Increasing Efficiency through Digitization

Automation boosts company productivity and improves the accuracy of task execution. It also enables full control and regulation of business processes.

The impact of digital transformation on process management

Digitization contributes to the improvement and modernization of business processes. Management is carried out in three stages:

  • identifying necessary adjustments;
  • selecting necessary actions for implementation;
  • executing the assigned task.

Digital management is a key asset of the enterprise. However, a new approach is needed for its full realization. Therefore, software must be fast, flexible, and efficient. This will allow constant use of all digitalization opportunities.

Modern software that supports digitization provides complete data on problem processes:

  • information on performance;
  • data on compatibility with approved design;
  •  information on compliance support requirements.

Digital process management allows the use of the data obtained to increase software efficiency. At the same time, the configuration and reconfiguration of automation platforms can be carried out by enterprise units with partial IT department support, or even without it.

Conclusion: digital transformation affects not only specialists but also software. The program must include special tools and capabilities, including intelligent analysis, dynamic modeling, simulation of business processes and their components. As a result, a user-oriented platform is obtained, in which important values, necessary settings, and functionality are provided.

Definition of Business Process Management

Business Process Management (BPM) is an organizational element that establishes the structure for creating and maintaining continuous productivity of all operational processes within an enterprise. Its presence ensures consistency between various types of activities and requirements of internal and external factors.

Simply put, it is a set of functions aimed at evaluating performance, defining actions, and delegating authority. Its presence allows for an objective view of the market and customer orientation to complement the company’s structure. This approach ensures optimal productivity.

To ensure correct digital management, it is essential to integrate it into the organization’s context using mechanisms such as:

  1. Structural – defining job responsibilities and duties related to each business process.
  2. Procedural – the system defines management processes, measures their productivity, and provides information for improvement.
  3. Relationship mechanism – informal relationships between staff are established to increase process efficiency.

It is important to note that management should cover the entire life cycle of a business process and provide technological support for its execution. Therefore, regulation is closely related to the IT sector and data control. In fact, it is the synchronization and monitoring of the entire enterprise work cycle.

Key Components of Process Management

There are six main components:

  • Recording and describing key cross-functional business processes.
  • Setting clear goals to define key performance indicators.
  • Accountability and responsibility for managing business processes supplemented with appropriate authority and control principles.
  • Transparency of information to ensure maximum process visibility, enabling quick decision-making and necessary actions.
  • Implementation of agreed recognition and reward systems.
  • Clear prioritization.

A comprehensive approach enables the identification of the structure of business processes from events triggering them to the desired outcome. Goals and mechanisms for their implementation are clearly defined, as well as the most important components. According to statistics, a company competes only through 15-20% of its business processes, which must be key ones. They should be modernized, setting appropriate priorities for resource usage.

Possibilities of expanding process management through digitalization

Digital transformation has the following impact:

  1. Increase the completeness of information about operational processes and provide fast access to it.
  2. Implementation of digital tools to support management processes. This includes prioritizing business processes and projects, data modeling and storage, intelligent analysis, and tools for objective analysis.

As you can see, digitalization does not directly influence the definition of key business processes. However, the use of standard models and data storage tools simplifies this activity. This helps to correctly identify the main processes and describe them in detail, creating accurate digital models. This approach provides a number of benefits for working with business processes:

  • Timely adjustments;
  • Correct identification;
  • Improvement taking into account priority.

Digitalization also introduces recognition and reward systems complemented by intelligent analysis. This allows for the objective measurement and improvement of a company’s KPIs. Processes with high impact and low maturity are identified, requiring optimization and innovation implementation. This allows for necessary measures to be taken to modernize and improve management.

It is important to note that digitalization does not change ownership and responsibility definitions. It simply helps to effectively operate personnel and make quick and correct decisions. All actions are based on analytical information about performance and compliance with stated requirements/goals.

Management of digital processes improves BPM productivity and increases the role of the program in executing the company’s development strategy. This improves the regulation of the life cycle of business processes. The strategy becomes more technological and efficiently executed, while personnel receive certainty.

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